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Bat in the Home?

This DIY article outlines ways to get a bat out of a home or garage. If at any time you feel unsure or uncomfortable in this situation, contact us.

A bat is a nocturnal animal that may enter a person's home unnoticed. If you do find a bat in your home, first make sure that no one startled the bat in the room, or if anyone was bitten or scratched by the bat. If someone was in contact with the bat, you can have the bat tested by your local health district to determine if it has rabies. If no one startled the bat or scared it, you may potentially be able to easily let it out of your home. To perform a bat removal, first:

  1. Lock all of the doors so that it doesn't go into any other part of the home.
  2. Turn off all of the lights in the home.
  3. Turn on a flashlight that is pointing to an open door or window and it may disappear without a trace.

If this plan does not work, or if you need the bat to be tested for rabies, you may try and capture it. But, keep in mind to not use your bare hands to capture a bat. Always wear gloves. You will need a box (cut holes in the box for the bat to breath in), leather gloves, stiff cardboard that would cover the opening of the box, durable tape, and a t-shirt.

  1. Wait for the bat to land.
  2. Approach the bat slowly and calmly.
  3. Lightly place the box over the bat.
  4. Put the stiff cardboard underneath the box to trap the bat.
  5. Use the durable tape to seal the box. Make sure the tape does not come in contact with the bat.
  6. If it is night-time, you can let it out easily.
  7. Find an elevated area and lift the box over your head. Tilt the box slightly so that the bat can easily escape.
  8. Use the flashlight to watch it leave.
  9. If it is injured, put the bat back in the box, and call your local pest removal service provider.
  10. If you catch the bat during the daytime, call your local pest removal service provider right away.

Follow these simple steps, and you can be able to remove a bat out of your home without harming or injuring it.